Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Here Is How an Edge-To-Edge iPhone 5 and iPad 3 Could Look Like

    The most coveted iOS gadgets, the iPhone 5 and the iPad 3 are still shrouded in mystery in terms of design.
    Most rumors have apparently focused on hardware specs. It is expected that the smartphone integrates an 8MP camera and an edge-to-edge screen. Apple’s most famous processor, A5 is also expected to power the iPhone 5, which means that the smartphone’s processing speed and graphics capabilities will be greatly enhanced.
    Since there is so little detail available about the iPhone 5’s and iPad 3’s design, Roman Vladimir Sima, has come up with a very impressive black edge-to-edge design for the upcoming smartphone. The huge screen simply engulfs the iOS devices, creating a very “glossy black finishing”, which makes the devices look like”one block of elegant hardware”.
    We contacted the young designer and asked what he thinks about the upcoming iPhone and iPad. Here’s what he said.

    The iPhone

    iPhone 5 Edge to Edge
    “In my opinion, in order for the 5th generation of iPhone to succeed as the previous ones did, Apple has to accomplish a few things:
    • A bigger screen on the same surface (it could even remove the button, or move it to the bottom edge), as I tried to express in my concept images.
    • A thinner look (as one as the iPod Touch 4, but not so rounded and metal on the back).
    • A solid iOS5, with small, but good improvements over iOS4.

    The iPad

    The 3rd Generation iPad has a chance to continue domination on the tablet market for a long time if it continues strengthening even further. Some of the improvement I am envisioning for the iPad 3 the following changes:
    • A hi-res screen, much better than the previous one
    • Solid materials used in the making (to make it more resistant for outside use. Let’s dream about a titanium alloy )
    • A solid iOS5, with small, but good improvements over iOS4 which will allow professionals to use it.”
    As it can be seen from the photos, the home button is still in the same place, no change here.
    Personally, when I look at these images I think of Neo from Matrix. Remember the black glasses he wore in the movie and the long black coat? The black edge-to-edge iPhone 5, engulfed in black, really looks like a phone that Neo would have definitely loved to have.
    However, that black comes with a price. The smartphone’s surface is a magnet for fingerprints, literally, which of course, would be quite annoying for most users. Let’s hope this minus, along with others, will be fixed by Apple.
    Back to reality. Apple’s iPhone 5 should hit the stores sometime this fall but customers should not expect to see major changes in terms of design, rather significant improvements in the software, as we already have the iOS 5 released for developers.
    Okay, meanwhile I’ll just take another look at these amazing photos hoping that Apple will put the concept into practice someday. And I personally want to thank Roman for sharing these wonderful conceptual images with us.

    Source URL: https://creative-bazaar.blogspot.com/2011/06/here-is-how-edge-to-edge-iphone-5-and.html
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